My honest answer to that question is this: I believe deepening gratitude is right for everyone. I also know people are just expecting me to say that! But it is true. Actively practicing gratitude is one of THE most effective things we can do to improve our experience of the life we are leading. New medical and psychological studies are backing this up every day. |
"The relationship between joy and gratitude was one of the important things I found in my research. I wasn't expecting it. In my 12 years of research on 11,000 pieces of data, I did not interview one person who had described themselves as joyful, who also did not actively practice gratitude." -Brené Brown, Author and Lecturer |
This beautiful, uplifting 7-week program walks you through a deeper understanding of what role gratitude plays in a life of fulfillment and how to cultivate it. The practical exercises, reflective journaling, meditation, and development of long-term gratitude practices invite a profound shift in your relationship with yourself and the life you are leading. You will embark on a journey to deeper happiness and fulfillment, deeper awareness of the people and the world around you, and deeper self-knowledge all through strengthening your relationship with gratitude.
Week One: Taking Stock
Reflect on your current relationship with gratitude, set an intention for what you want to achieve through this course, and start taking some small, but practical steps toward building a lasting gratitude practice. Week Two: Softening the Grip of Negativity Learn how gratitude helps to balance out the natural negativity bias and bring the powers of awareness and choice to small moments in your day. |
Week Six: Force of Nature
Explore reflections and exercises designed to highlight the full force of our connection to nature. Allow its generosity and majesty to humble you and invite a newfound sense of gratitude into your life. Week Seven: Weaving A Tapestry of Gratitude Reflect upon your Deepening Gratitude journey and weave together a tapestry of gratitude practices that will sustain you well beyond these seven weeks. |
What you get: (for $57!)
Jennifer is the author of Deepening Gratitude and the founder of Lifescape Visionary. As a values-based Identity Coach, Jennifer strives to walk her talk every day, drawing upon her personal values to help her serve the highest good. Gratitude - one of Jennifer's most beloved values - has been at the heart of her spiritual practice for years. In 2018, two years after she founded Lifescape Visionary, Jennifer took the first step in opening her personal gratitude practices to a small group of women who met once a month in her home. Since that time, Jennifer has grown into the call to write a course that invites as many other beings into the life-changing practice of gratitude as possible. This course is the result of her labor of love. |
Don’t forget that your purchase of Deepening Gratitude also entitles you to a FREE BONUS 40-minute private coaching session, to be used within one year after purchase. Taking the plunge is a great choice for so many reasons! |
Now is the time to check in with your intuition. If you are feeling pulled to rise to the invitation of this opportunity, trust what your heart is saying to you and take action. If you are longing for a deeper sense of gratitude and appreciation for the life you are leading, this course is absolutely right for you.
I encourage you to open yourself up to this beautiful journey and bear witness to an extraordinary shift within you. There truly is no downside to Deepening Gratitude. |
Most people find that they spend an average of 20-30 minutes a day on Deepening Gratitude, however, there is no set amount of time required. The beauty of this course is that it is self-guided. If you are feeling motivated to do more on any given day, you can. If you need to take a few days between exercises, that's ok, too. The only thing that ultimately matters is that you commit to completing the course so that you can build your long-term gratitude habit.
Accountability is extremely important when we are trying to build new habits and Deepening Gratitude has multiple built-in ways to help you remain accountable as you work through the program.
An Accountability Tracker is provided in the workbook to help you track all your activities over the entire program. Additionally, there are live monthly support video calls to connect with others in the course. Further, you are encouraged to take advantage of the private Lifescape Visionary Community where you can receive support directly from Jennifer or even seek out an accountability partner. Also, it is not uncommon for couples to work through this course together. Not only does this help with accountability, it also opens up a dynamic of exploration in your relationship through the lens of gratitude. |
No. If you have a computer, iPad, or smart phone, you are able to access all the online content in this course. The weekly installments of the workbook are designed to be downloaded and printed, however it is perfectly acceptable to simply keep a journal and do the exercises and reflections in your journal.
The simplest way to do this is to purchase the course and when you return to the Deepening Gratitude page, enter the email address of the person to whom you wish to send your gift. If you would like to send the course on a particular date, or with a special message, email me directly at [email protected] and I will be in touch about setting that up.
That's wonderful news!
All you need to do is click on the button below which will take you to checkout. Purchasing this course is a one-time, non-refundable charge of $57.00. There is never a wrong time to choose Deepening Gratitude! Allow today to be the start of one of the most meaningful journeys of your life! |
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