The Lifescape Philosopy
Compassion helps us gently acknowledge and accept the complex reasons we get stuck or find that our lives have gotten off track. Change, and the necessary vulnerability that comes with it, can be hard and scary. Without patience and compassion, we are destined to defeat ourselves. After all, we aren't born with 'How To' guides for life. We make mistakes. Life throws us curve balls. Each one of us is learning as we go. Instead of giving in to negative, judgmental attitudes, coaching encourages the cultivation of compassion toward yourself and others as you seek to create the future of your dreams.
Opening yourself to possibility and change is essential for transformation. Life often wears us down, conditioning us to believe in limitations and leaving us blind to opportunity. All too frequently, we live with dissatisfaction far longer than necessary or healthy before accepting that we are stuck, that the old approach just isn't working. Embracing new things allows you to try on different ideas, skills, and perspectives for size. You may learn that something definitely isn't right for you, but you may just also discover the key to unlocking the door to the life you've always wanted.
Today's busy lifestyle makes it difficult to find the time for reflection. The ubiquitous distraction of new technologies and social media outlets, combined with ever growing personal responsibilities, easily drowns out our quiet, but wise inner voice. Hearing that voice requires time, attention, space, and reflection. Too often we perceive these as an indulgence, but this ability to prioritize time for self-knowledge is one of the most common traits among people who feel happiest and most grounded. Learning to prioritize self-reflection and a deep understanding of one's needs is essential for every stage of life. We change over time, sometimes drastically, and what we believed to be true at one time may no longer be the case in the present. Observe, reflect, understand, and grow.
Exploration is the most effective way to exercise your curiosity and often leads to new, life-changing discoveries. Exploring your thought process, the beliefs you've adopted about what is or isn't possible, trying new things, and stepping outside of your comfort zone are avenues to personal growth. Staying within the confines of what you know is a safe way to live, but new experiences often mature into a deep wisdom that will serve you well time and time again.
The confidence to live your dreams stems from a deep sense of self-acceptance. It can take practice and support to accept who you are in your entirety. Self-acceptance compassionately acknowledges the presence of the strengths and the weaknesses. Once you can accept where you are, you can better measure the distance to where you want to be and plan exactly how to get there. When you are able to stop worrying about how you or your choices will be perceived by others, you begin to experience true freedom.
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