Coaching Pathways > Organization & Time Management
Ask yourself: Are you spending your time on the right things?
Make sure your to-do-list tasks and your goals (big and small) are really worth pursuing. Do you need a break? Everyone needs a break, and not all delay is procrastination. Avoid running on fumes by taking the important time to refuel. Remember, you can always change your plan. Sticking to a plan merely for the sake of sticking to it doesn't help anyone or anything. If something just isn't working, let it go, regroup and formulate a new plan. |
Time is what we want most, but arguably, the very thing we use worst. Time is the most valuable currency in life. You, and you alone, determine how it is spent.
People use the hours of the day differently, but the way you spend your time determines the quality of your life. All too often, we let other people spend it for us. "The key is not to prioritize what's on your
schedule, but to schedule your priorities." – Stephen Covey Good time management and organization go hand in hand for having more energy to spend on the things and people that improve your quality of life. Developing good organizational systems saves you precious time in the long run. Whether that means creating good filing systems, finding a designated place for everything in the house, or developing a system for prioritizing items on your to-do list, all of it ultimately helps you become more productive and more available for the things that really matter. Learn more about how time management and organization can help you personally. Contact Jennifer today!